Project Summary
In 2016, thirteen regional meetings were held with diverse stakeholders across the state and community members identified several agriculture-related issues. Following these meetings, a background report was published, and an Agricultural Resilience Task Force of industry leaders and experts was assembled to develop solutions. The Resilience in New Mexico Agriculture Strategic Plan was the result of the Task Force’s work. The implementation of this plan is critical to achieve greater agricultural and natural resource resiliency and ensure stability for the next generations of farmers and ranchers.
2022 Legislation
Food Farm and Hunger Initiative. The largest investment increase in food and agriculture in recent state history, the initiative includes over $24 million in the executive budget recommendation to support and expand statewide food and hunger initiatives administered across eight state agencies. For more information, see the 1.28.22 press release from the office of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and a 1.21.22 letter in support of the initiative to the NM Legislature signed by nearly 30 organizations and entities around the state.
Farmer and Rancher Survey
Ag Resilience – Farmer and Rancher COVID-19 Survey. This 2020 report is based on a survey released in late March of 2020. The core goal of this survey was to gain insight from the agricultural industry about impacts within the first 30 days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This data, while a snapshot in time, will be used to inform policy and systems change needs to build recommendations for relief and recovery efforts to sustain and build agricultural resilience in New Mexico.
Foundational Materials
- Ag Resilience – NM Agriculture Strategic Plan
- Ag Resilience – Background Report
- Ag Resilience – Data Book
- Ag Resilience – The Ag Plan & Implementation
- Ag Resilience – Convening Report 2019
- Ag Resilience – Health: Body, Mind, & Spirit Town Hall Final Report 2020
- Ag Resilience – State Water Town Hall Final Report 2017
Additional Materials
- 2021 Farm to School Requests for Proposals Now Open
- “How much would it cost consumers to give farmworkers a significant raise?”
- Native Food Systems Impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic, by Elizabeth Hoover
- COVID-19 Guidelines For Safe Community Gardening
- Why Are Farmers Destroying Food While Grocery Stores Are Empty?
- Feeding Low-Income Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- SHARE NM Website: COVID-19 Resources
- Announcing the New Mexico Healthcare Worker and First Responder Support Line
- New Mexico Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) for Seniors
- New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association
- New Mexico Out of School Time-COVID-19
- New Mexico Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Seniors or disabled adults that do not have access to groceries
- Whole Kids Foundation
- WiFi, hotspot coverage for Americans
- USDA Announces Coronavirus Food Assistance Program