A program of the New Mexico Democracy Project

Why Principles for Trusted Elections?

As the last two years of political unrest have illustrated, our republic is at a critical moment with increasing polarization undermining fundamental American values. A national effort recently launched to advance leadership by former and current officials regarding ethical practices by candidates. The Principles were developed by citizens, candidates, and campaign professionals from both sides of the aisle and represent a set of standards that spell out, in a straightforward and nonpartisan way, our understanding of what good elections mean.

To see an in-depth reflection on what it takes to incentivize bipartisan collaboration in government, watch the segment pictured below from New Mexico in Focus aired in October, 2022!

Danielle Gonzales, former NM First Executive Director (left) and Heather Balas, VP of Programs at Election Reformers Network (right) discuss the political climate prompting the creation of the NM Democracy Project and the Principles for Trusted Elections.
Video courtesy of New Mexico PBS.

Who is Behind the National Effort?

The national initiative is supported by a cross-partisan network of civic, business, and religious leaders including the Carter Center, Ford Presidential Foundation, Lugar Center, and the National Institute on Civil Discourse (co-founded by former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush). The effort is currently supported by over 50 state and national organizations, and the list grows daily. New Mexico is one of five states to join.

Why Principles for Trusted Elections for New Mexico?

This national campaign is being led in our state by a coalition of organizations including New Mexico First, the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce, the New Mexico Local News Fund, New Mexico Open Elections and New Mexico PBS. As Keith Manes, Lea County Clerk writes, “New Mexico has always been a model for other states in the conduct of elections.” We believe New Mexico candidates and leaders can be role models for our state, and for our nation. We ask you – candidates, leaders, former elected officials, organizations, businesses and individuals – to endorse the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections by clicking on the button below.

2024 candidates for public office will be encouraged to sign on to the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections early in the year. Check back for updates!

For more information about the Candidate Principles for Trusted Elections in NM, please contact Sharon Berman, project lead, at sharon.berman@nmfirst.org. Thank you!

The following partners have come together in an effort to build trust in our elections and candidates:

For more information about the New Mexico Democracy Project activities, please contact Sharon Berman at sharon@nmfirst.org.

The New Mexico Democracy Project is possible through the generous support of The Carter Center and Thornburg Foundation. The contents of this website are the responsibility of New Mexico First and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Carter Center or of Thornburg Foundation.