The below state leaders – current candidates, past political office holders, organizations, and individuals, have all signed on to the Principles for Trusted Elections in New Mexico.
Garrey Carruthers, Former Governor of New Mexico (R)Diane Denish, Former Lt. Governor of New Mexico (D)Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Incumbent Candidate for NM Secretary of State (D)Jefferson Byrd, Candidate for Commissioner of Public Lands (R)Stephanie Garcia Richard, Incumbent Candidate for Commissioner of Public Lands (D)Melanie Stansbury, Incumbent Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, District 1 (D)Joseph Maestas, Candidate for NM State Auditor, (D)Harry Montoya, Candidate for NM State Treasurer (R)David Lansford, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 64 (I)Enrique Cardiel, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 19 (DTS)Antonio Maestas, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 16 (D)Athena Christodoulou, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 31 (D)Greg Nibert, IncumbentCandidate for NM House of Representatives, District 59 (R)Joanne Ferrary, Incumbent Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 37(D)Jimmy Mason, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 66 (R)Natalie Figueroa, Incumbent Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 30 (D)Paul Kinzelman,Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District8 (D)Reena Szczepanski, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District47 (D)Dayan Hochman-Vigil, IncumbentCandidate for NM House of Representatives, District15 (D)Jay Groseclose, Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 46 (R)Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, D, Incumbent Candidate for NM House of Representatives, District 24 (D)Linda Gallegos, Incumbent Candidate for Sandoval County Assessor (D)Alan Brauer, Jr., Candidate for NM Public Education Commission, District 3 (D)Kim Stewart, Incumbent Candidate for Doña Ana County Sheriff (D)Jim Lee, Candidate for Grant County Sheriff (I)Darrell Elder, Candidate for Sandoval County Sheriff (R)Christine Lowery, Incumbent Candidate for Cibola County Commissioner (D)Melanee Hand, Incumbent Candidate for Los Alamos County Council (D)Randall Ryti,Incumbent Candidate for Los Alamos County Council (D)Suzie Havemann, Candidate for Los Alamos County Council (D)James Wernicke, Candidate for Los Alamos County Council (I)
Other Key Supporters Include:
Katharine Clark, Santa Fe County Clerk (D)
Clinton Harden, former State Senator and NM Secretary of Labor (R)
Bob Perls, former NM State Representative (I)
Amelia Ellen Shippy, Former US Ambassador to Malawi
Danielle Gonzales, APS School Board Member, Executive Director of New Mexico First
Heather Balas, President, Verge Strategies, and Former President, New Mexico First
Kathy Elliott, Owner and President, Elliott Marketing
New Mexico PBS
New Mexico State Chamber of Commerce
New Mexico Local News Fund
New Mexico Open Elections
New Mexico First
David Kasten
Ann Keller
Charlotte Gomez
Corinne Silva, Farmer
Dain Forsythe, Educator
Jim Kroeger, Retired Engineer
Jim Upchurch, Nonprofit Conservation Organization Board Member
Jo Baer
John Conlon
Judith Parsons
Karen Bender
Kathleen Mongaraz
Mark Doppke
Nancy A. Murphy
Nell Kroeger
Phyllis Becerra
Randall Moyer
Renee Wood
Richard Hawkins, Retired Foreign Service Officer
Richard Kiefer-O’Donnell, Retired Professor
Robin Brown, Teacher
Siobhan Croto, Pastor
Walter Zeichner, Psychotherapist, Educator, Broadcast Journalist
The following partners have come together in an effort to build trust in our elections:
For more information about the New Mexico Democracy Project activities, please contact Sharon Berman at
The New Mexico Democracy Project is possible through the generous support of The Carter Center and Thornburg Foundation. The contents of this website are the responsibility of New Mexico First and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Carter Center or of Thornburg Foundation.