Featured in the Santa Fe New Mexican
By Cheryl Harris | Jan 9, 2021
In 2021, New Mexico voters could move closer to picking their legislators, instead of the other way around.
The state’s redistricting process often has been described as “one that effectively allows incumbents to tailor their districts to suit their political base,” according to “Redistricting New Mexico 2021.” The report was written by Gwyneth Doland for New Mexico In Depth.
Recommendations released Dec. 18 outline how to reform redistricting in New Mexico. The recommendations are the work of a 25-person, diverse statewide task force convened by New Mexico First, with funding from the Thornburg Foundation.
To read the full article, visit: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/opinion/my_view/redistricting-reform-would-empower-voters/article_2197deb6-5083-11eb-8183-3b6d7f440e67.html